Saturday 22 November 2014

Activities at Lunyangwa Primary

We spent a wonderful Friday afternoon at Lunyangwa recently.  The entertainment was planned by the girls and staff so that we would become more aware of their culture.  Normally the girls go home early on a Friday but they stayed to join in the activities.  The sun was extremely hot but luckily we were given a shady spot to sit.  We watched several traditional dances from different classes.  I loved the homemade outfits, particularly the hats.  The girls led their own dances, with one of them being identified as the leader.  Poems were recited about topical issues and then some information was given about the school.  It was evident the girls are very proud of their school. A group performed a drama which demonstrated peer pressure ie. going off with friends when parents request girl stays at home to study


In school as part of the expressive arts, needlecraft and knitting are compulsory.  There is a clear teaching programme from Standard 3.  The girls showed us some of the bags and dolls they had sewn and knitted.



Sports were organised; a volleyball match and a netball match.  The supporters were great singers.  I watched in amazement as the girls lifted up the long wooden posts and stuck them down into the ground.  A couple moved large heavy boulders and threw away bricks from the pitch.  I had to smile – risk assessment – not a form in sight!  The volleyball and the netball matches were impressive (despite the heat).  The girls were pleased to receive the gift of a football.  Locally football is now being promoted for girls and there will be a league starting up for the primary schools.  All in all, it was a wonderful joyous afternoon.


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